Notice on social responsibility


Dear customers and visitors to our website,

As a business, we are not only responsible for our customers and writers to fulfill our main business functions but we must also adhere to established general social morals and tenets.

While we cannot provide guarantees against misuse or inappropriate use of any research material we produce, we can certainly raise our service to a higher level of ethical standards and social responsibility.

Consequently, we have identified subjects and fields of study where misuse or inappropriate use of research material by a customer could possibly have direct implications. We have acknowledged situations where primary human rights, life, and health might directly depend on the decisions of our customers in real-world professional situations.

We believe these areas include:

  • Engineering
  • Civil engineering
  • Criminology and criminal law
  • Criminal justice
  • Medicine
  • Medical sciences (anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, etc.)
  • Nursing
  • Aviation
  • Health care
  • Architecture, building, and planning
  • Nutrition/dietary

Please note that this list might be further revised and additional disciplines might be added.

In view of the aforementioned reasoning, we have also made the decision to apply the same treatment to the topics that are deemed controversial, for example, gay marriage or abortion.

As a result of this Policy, we will cancel orders in the disciplines mentioned above. We also reserve the right to cancel orders in other areas if we believe they might have real-life implications or in cases where we consider a particular topic to be unethical or controversial. For all orders canceled under this Policy, the customers will be issued a full refund.